Are essential oils safe to consume? There are no studies to show standard effects on the internal body. Studies and historical facts show how plant oils are used and their benefits. Understanding our body’s impact cannot be the same.
Our goal is to learn how our bodies are affected by oils. Check out how to choose the best essential oils here. Many companies are promoting the consumption of essential oils so we go back to the question: Are essential oils safe to consume? There are many factors to look at here.
- Internal harm to your organs.
- Water and oil do not mix.
- Allergic reaction
- Adverse effects with medication
The dangers of drinking essential oils.
So what happens when we ingest essential oils? The body would absorb more of the oil than if we diffused or used the oil with carrier oils. Even a tiny amount, a drop or two, can cause fatigue, lightheadedness, headaches, etc. They may be minor symptoms, but they can lead to a more significant problem. Taking large amounts of essential oils can cause harm internally to your organs. Mixing water and essential oils becomes dangerous.
The effects of mixing essential oil and water
Through science, we all know water and oil do not mix. Try it yourself; add some water and oil to a cup and mix it up. You will see the mixture will immediately separate after mixing. The essential oils stick to the internal organs when this happens in your body. We do not have studies to show the effects it has. But we know it can damage the organs, mainly the liver, and kidneys.
Allergic reactions
Toxic and allergic reactions can occur when using essential oils internally and externally. We can see the external effects when there is an allergic reaction. However, we can only see the internal results once it has done damage. Externally reactions are vomiting, difficulty breathing, dizziness, headaches, etc. Every day people do not know what is happening within, and we do not understand what is happening within our bodies when we consume essential oils.
Adverse effects with medication
Suppose you are still inclined to ingest them. Ask your doctors are essential oils safe to consume depending on your current situation based on age, current medication, and lifestyle. Your doctor will be able to monitor and give you more knowledge on how your body reacts to essential oils. This will allow your doctor to provide information on how essential oils will affect the medication that you are using. Clove and nutmeg are common essential oils that people choose to ingest. These are blood thinner essential oils and can affect your medication or body.
How does ingesting essential oils work?
So what happens to your body when it is consumed? The body metabolizes essential oils. When it does that, it benefits your system; it moves through your bloodstream and circulates your body resulting in the liver. It metabolizes in the liver and then breaks down the components into metabolites, and it distributes before it’s illuminated from your body. All of this sounds great. YES! It is. If we know our bodies, suppose we see how the oil reacts to our liver, kidneys, intestines, etc., if we know how the oils interact with the medication when we are consuming. We would have better information on consuming fats. However, we do not have this information.
So are essential oils safe to consume? Unfortunately, the short answer is No. Even though they may be beneficial for you, the unknown and the uncertainty of the effects of essential oils can cause damage. Connect with my therapeutical grade vs food grade labeling blog to learn how essential oils are classified. The FDA also has important information on classification and regulations policies for essential oils.